Where have I been? I've been trying to take a nap, I give up! Darcy is now 7 weeks old! She is desperately trying to suck on her fingers, she has about 50% proficiency. She has totally rejected the pacifier, though we have tried our darndest, so maybe she will go for her thumb soon.
Eliza had her Christmas program at school this weekend. So CUTE! All the chubby little kids dancing and dressed in costumes, it makes you melt. Eliza is really good at dancing. I want to get in her in some sort of dance class soon. Eliza and I made an apple cake with carmel icing for the dinner after, which no once touched. It is a very American dessert, and there may have been one other American family there. But I wasn't too hurt because we got to bring most of it home! Tell me if you want the recipe. There was an incident with a little boy who's Mom was holding Darcy. He got a little jealous o f his Mom holding another baby, and he smacked Darcy super hard in the face. She cried so much, it was hard not to smack him back!