This was what I was most excited about making for baby #2. Micah had to help me balance it a bit. This mobile is made from drink lids, canned good lids, toilet paper rolls (the flowers), beads from around the house, some foam shapes I cut out, and some random wood from Micah's stash. I totally copied the idea from the plumpudding blog (http://myplumpudding.blogspot.com/2008/06/mobiles.html). She is amazing, and she works with felt a lot too. She keeps a lot of "trash," to use for crafts and she has made some great stuff. This craft is especially great because I try not to throw too much stuff away.

Not because I am some great environmentalist, but when you live here you are judged for every piece of trash you throw away. The trash cans in my neighborhood are like the town hall. EVERYONE goes through the trash. And no one throws anything away. My landlord has every empty can/bucket of paint she has ever bought sitting in her yard. There is a big yellow barrell in our yard that I hate but fear what would ever happen if I removed it from the yard. After Eliza's birthday party I actually bagged up all the trash from the presents and was going to take it to another dumpster in town because I knew I would get a battery of questions from people in my neighborhood, but Micah beat me too it and took the trash to our cans. And oh did the questions fly. I hate when we get pizza because everyone will eventually see the box and discuss how we had pizza for dinner. I also hate throwing out a rotting vegetable or two because everyone will discuss how rich we are to be able to buy vegetables and forget about them and simply toss them. And oh what about the time I was scolded for throwing out the apple peels when I was making my friend an apple pie. What a waste, she said. I am telling you, it messes with your mind.

And here is picture of me from last night. 38 weeks, there is no more room in there. I am ready to sink back into non-pregnant oblivion. I can hardly take the gasps from the tiny people I pass on the street when they see this huge woman coming at them. (Since I already tower over most of the women being 5'5" and all, the belly is just too much for them.)