Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Went to Ikea

We had the chance to stop by an Ikea for a few hours in California. It was AWESOME! I bought some fabric on clearance:

(the yellow print, in the middle)

And these leaves for the girls room:

(Um no that is not a picture from our house just in case you were wondering)


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Eliza's Birthday

So I am finally posting birthday pictures. (2 months later...) She asked for a barbie party. It is pretty hard to find any kind of party decorations so, we had to get creative. I figured out we could buy some barbie magazines and cut out the pictures for decorations. I made this banner from scrapbook paper and pom-pom trim. I wish I could have made it with fabric, but the paper version is grand.

Eliza did the little decorating under the shelf.

A birthday crown that was worn for about 2 minutes :(

The barbie piñata, yes, that we made.

These boys were man enough to come to a barbie party.

The children are still when cake is near.

Eliza kept apologizing for a barbie being in the cake.

Moms busy at work.

It was very hard to get a shot of the present opening. It was a crazy blur of activity with all the kids hovering over the gifts and in about 37 seconds it was done with a heap of tissue paper and ribbon cast to the side

Aw, and like that, she is 4.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Kinda Broken

Blogspot has been acting weird since my last post when I try to upload pictures, so this is the reason for my long absence. I have been posting some photos on facebook. I will be in the U.S. in less than a week (GASP!) So I shouldn't be blogging right now anyway, but I hope these pesky problems will go away once we get to the states.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Aren't these cute?

I found these at: http://belladia.typepad.com/bella_dia/2008/12/button-clips.html via curbly.com. I am quickly falling for curbly, maybe more than craftzine's blog...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

oh yeah, i have a blog

Our computer died. Its over. The only sad part is all our Darcy baby pics are on the hard drive. I am really nervous. We are going to have to send the hard drive to a lab to have the photos recovered. So crazy, thats what they do to crazy criminals computers to retrieve data. All we want are our cute, chubby, drooly photos. I am excited about easter, even though it snuck up on me. I will try to dye eggs this year. I never have before because all chicken's eggs are brown here! I have been doing some crafts but can't show the pictures :(

We will be visiting the states again next month! As I prepare to leave I am thinking of all the good things about living here so I don't get wrapped up in going back to the U.S. and only focus on that. So here is reason #37- All gas stations are full service.

Here are some pictures we recovered:
Aren't these carrots amazing. When we cut them they had all those holes. They looked like little flowers! I know, I know there was probablly a worm in there...

Eliza at the zoo we went last month.

The girls hanging out on Eliza's bed. Eliza is always holding her hand or giving her kisses. So of course their arms are intertwined. She basically can't stop touching her.

Darcy started eating rice cereal. She usually tries to hold the spoon herself, I don't give it to her fast enough apparently.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Hmm what to say...

I walked with the girls today over to the hospital. It is close and I go there to check Darcy's weight every few weeks. Anyway I was thinking about hospitals here. It seems like all hospitals here also have a dental clinic. Isn't that weird? Or maybe its like that everywhere else in the world, and the U.S. does it different. I had a root canal last year, and I went to the dental clinic at the hospital to get it done. Anyway... I just finished these pants. It is so interesting I just saw on Ginny's blog that she was making baby pants, and using old T-shirts. I made these from one of my old T-shirts. They are very light and soft. I didn't hem the bottoms so they are kind've like baby gaucho pants. I also made a couple of these little baby toys. There are a few little boys that will be showing up soon, so I wanted totake a crack at these with scrap fabric. I wanted to make more of a patchwork one like in the AnnaMaria book, but this just involved less cutting, so I went with this model. I still need to finish the top and bottom though. I wish I had time to do that, haha.

I am seeing the familiar signs of summer break all around. Swimming suits on sale, loud tropical shirts, and lots of heat; I can't believe its already time to endure another Thai summer (at least I'm not pregnant this time!)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I was just looking up quotes to get some of those little personalized labels to attach to your projects- a little pricey! So I stumbled across a site that has instructions on how to make your own. This may be so old and everyone is already doing this but I thought, "hmm clever." http://www.grumperina.com/labelcontent.htm

Sunday, February 22, 2009

YAY, I made something

This little felt scarf for Eliza for V-day (from marthastewart.com)

I also finally did some sewing on paper for a few cards. But didn't take pictures...

I have been working on a few other things. It feels sooo nice to be creative, it would be nice to have a little more time to do things, but I'll take what little time I have.

Friday, February 20, 2009

New Glasses

Whaddya think?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Not Much to Report

Here are Darcie's bitty booties.

Watching movies with our littlest guest. I'll just keep posting pictures of the kids because that is all I have had time for lately. We have been entertaining a lot lately and I have been busy cooking and helping everyone traveling everywhere. Our neighborhood had a bad day yesterday that I won't go into on this blog. I am very ready for a trip to the states, we are really hoping we can go back this spring.

Oh please stay blue, little eyes.

I love these little pants!

Mommy has a lot to learn about lighting!

Eliza is getting so big. She is very opinionated and she has quite a little personality, which is usually the only thing that gets her into trouble. We had a small celebration today because she had her first "Dry" night; donut holes and stickers. Maybe soon I will only have to buy diapers for one kid!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Some Christmas Photos

She insisted on jumping in all the shots.

So about a week before Christmas we decided Eliza needed a kitchen set for Christmas. She has been saying her Dad was going to make here a "Kitchen Set," for almost 6 months now. We don't know where she got this idea, but we thought we should make it happen. So 2 days before Christmas we decide we should probablly start making it, haha. So Micah used most of 2 days to get it done, and it came out really well. I contributed the pot holder. I know. I wanted to make some felt food, but it didn't happen, so she will have to do with the $5 worth of plastic food we bought. She really loves it. She walked right past the tree full of presents and we had to pull her away to open them. I think I truly realized at that moment that less is more with gifts. They get overwhelemed and greedy when the presents are free flowing.
The fridge.

Darcy, not the best shot, it was late and dark.

Cheers! We had friends over for Christmas dinner, and the famous Chloe Castro joined Eliza at the kids table.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I REALLY need to share christmas photos, but they are still sitting on my memory card. Lets just say there was a hasty last minute gift decision for Eliza, that resulted in a beatiful homemade kitchen set.

Here is another fruit tree in our yard. These are called rose apples, or in Thai, "Chompoo."

It tastes like a dry, bland apple, and looks like a pear a little. The red ones are sweeter, but my tree only has green.

And a few shots of the whats growing inside my house. Eliza is so ready to play with Darcy, it will happen all too soon.
A prelude to a smile...
And there it is!
She is starting to babble, and is totally sucking her thumb now. Its so cute.