Our computer died. Its over. The only sad part is all our Darcy baby pics are on the hard drive. I am really nervous. We are going to have to send the hard drive to a lab to have the photos recovered. So crazy, thats what they do to crazy criminals computers to retrieve data. All we want are our cute, chubby, drooly photos. I am excited about easter, even though it snuck up on me. I will try to dye eggs this year. I never have before because all chicken's eggs are brown here! I have been doing some crafts but can't show the pictures :(
We will be visiting the states again next month! As I prepare to leave I am thinking of all the good things about living here so I don't get wrapped up in going back to the U.S. and only focus on that. So here is reason #37- All gas stations are full service.
Here are some pictures we recovered:

Aren't these carrots amazing. When we cut them they had all those holes. They looked like little flowers! I know, I know there was probablly a worm in there...

Eliza at the zoo we went last month.

The girls hanging out on Eliza's bed. Eliza is always holding her hand or giving her kisses. So of course their arms are intertwined. She basically can't stop touching her.

Darcy started eating rice cereal. She usually tries to hold the spoon herself, I don't give it to her fast enough apparently.