Saturday, June 20, 2009

Eliza's Birthday

So I am finally posting birthday pictures. (2 months later...) She asked for a barbie party. It is pretty hard to find any kind of party decorations so, we had to get creative. I figured out we could buy some barbie magazines and cut out the pictures for decorations. I made this banner from scrapbook paper and pom-pom trim. I wish I could have made it with fabric, but the paper version is grand.

Eliza did the little decorating under the shelf.

A birthday crown that was worn for about 2 minutes :(

The barbie piñata, yes, that we made.

These boys were man enough to come to a barbie party.

The children are still when cake is near.

Eliza kept apologizing for a barbie being in the cake.

Moms busy at work.

It was very hard to get a shot of the present opening. It was a crazy blur of activity with all the kids hovering over the gifts and in about 37 seconds it was done with a heap of tissue paper and ribbon cast to the side

Aw, and like that, she is 4.