Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Things I have been making

I have not been blogging so much, but I have been busy crafting all over the place. I thought I should post a few things I have been working on before I forget.

Animal tails..

Rag Rug purse, yes my leg is that white!

Swimming suit, much cuter on the model.

Cake plate.

Bubble skirt. I made this for a friend's baby, but Darcy is the same size, so she is forced to model it. I mostly used the instructions from this tutorial:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Easter crafts update...

A few partial pictures of easter tees, a bunny above and a squirrel below.

A fallen branch from my palm tree that I turned into an easter tree, and cut out some flowers from mulberry paper.

Cut outs from

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Spelling Test Tomorrow

ten words:

put in

They all have the same vowel as you can see, the first character of each word it the sound 'ay'

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

An Easter Craft

This little bunny is just so sweet. Eliza made it for easter matchbox, popsicle sticks and a little cotton ball butt. Got the idea from

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Long time since a post..

So what have I been up to:

Working (2 shifts a week)

Baking (for festive Christmas Parties)


Dieting (Made this for one of the festive parties)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Went to Ikea

We had the chance to stop by an Ikea for a few hours in California. It was AWESOME! I bought some fabric on clearance:

(the yellow print, in the middle)

And these leaves for the girls room:

(Um no that is not a picture from our house just in case you were wondering)


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Eliza's Birthday

So I am finally posting birthday pictures. (2 months later...) She asked for a barbie party. It is pretty hard to find any kind of party decorations so, we had to get creative. I figured out we could buy some barbie magazines and cut out the pictures for decorations. I made this banner from scrapbook paper and pom-pom trim. I wish I could have made it with fabric, but the paper version is grand.

Eliza did the little decorating under the shelf.

A birthday crown that was worn for about 2 minutes :(

The barbie piñata, yes, that we made.

These boys were man enough to come to a barbie party.

The children are still when cake is near.

Eliza kept apologizing for a barbie being in the cake.

Moms busy at work.

It was very hard to get a shot of the present opening. It was a crazy blur of activity with all the kids hovering over the gifts and in about 37 seconds it was done with a heap of tissue paper and ribbon cast to the side

Aw, and like that, she is 4.