Sunday, July 13, 2008

Zoo Trip

We went to the zoo a few weeks ago with the Castro's. It was fun. They have really fixed it up. It has only been Eliza's second time going there.

These monkeys were so happy.

As advanced as our city is, there are still little reminders everywhere that this is still a developing country. Like how you can be inches away from huge animals and hold out a tasty treat for them to eat.

There is NO WAY this would fly in the west. But there is no threat of multi-million dollar lawsuits from citizens here. If we lose a hand, we lose a hand, that's what hippos like to eat after all.
But seriously you could totally put your hand in there mouth if you were brave/dim enough to try.

And our conflicted three-year old who will hand feed hippos and giraffes but not get within three feet of the panda mascot.


Unknown said...

Wow. That pic of the hippos is scary!!
She's so adorable.
B hates mascots too.

Anne said...

Re: Giraffe Photo - you can do this at a Zoo just outside of Adelaide Australia. They give you the leaves and everything. It's great! We had so much fun taking photos of those crazy tongues.

I love these pics, they are so cool. And yes, the hippo feeding is a little crazy....