Monday, January 28, 2008

Christmas gifts

Okay, now that all the gifts have been distributed, I can show a couple of things I made. I wish I could have made more, but I really shouldn't have moved house Thanksgiving weekend.

These are some robot shirts I made for my nephews. I didn't make the shirts I just attached some robots to the fronts.
Micah was so jealous, so now I have to make him one too.

And this GIANT scarf pillow was for Christopher and Asia. I grabbed this scarf at a thrift store when I was in the U.S. I knew it would make an awesome pillow. (Sidenote: I have a scarf thing. I always look for scarves/ hankies to make into pillows.) I really wanted to use it in our house, but the colors aren't right. I did the back with some old sari material. It came out really well. I just hope they like it.

Took a vacation

It was so great. We went to the beach we always go to, Cha Am, its in the gulf of Thailand. Not the most exciting beach, but it is very family friendly. We went with our usual band of people. We always go on vacation with the same people, to the same place, every year. Its actually pretty fun.

I got to spend a lot of time with my good friend Holly. Who is expecting #3. She looks awesome.
Eliza had a really good time. This was her first year of really getting into the whole beach/pool thing.

Here's to vacations in January!