Monday, April 21, 2008

Eliza Went to the Movies (and we did too)

We took Eliza to see Horton Hears A Who. She loved it! She is holding up the ticket stubs to prove it. I wanted to take a picture at the theater, but they frown on bringing cameras there, so what do you do.

She then stashed the tickets in a the trunk of her tricycle, where she keeps only the coolest things.

And she's off. She loves her, "red bike."

Sometimes I have to ride my, "black bike," with her around the driveway. Its actually Micah's bike. I have a pink cruiser bike, but it has a flat tire. Bummer.

These days the pink wings are becoming mandatory wardrobe requirement rather than just a dress up accessory.

She actually took them to the movies, but we made her leave them in the car.

Then she had to take a picture of me. She usually demands this when I have snapped quite a few.

And the first picture of the very small bump. I think it could still be mistaken for a "food baby," at this point.


Unknown said...

What a big girl! What size is she wearing now?
Cute bump! :)

Morgan said...

Eliza is still swimming in most 3t clothes, though I dress her in them because I am bored of her old ones.