Sunday, October 26, 2008

Waiting around

So today is my due date and... nothing. I am just taking it easy. I can't even sew much because sitting at the table hurts my stomach. We have been baking chocolately things lately, and enjoying the last few showers of rainy season. We made caramel yesterday and dipped lots of apples into it-our tribute to fall in America. Here are a few more things I made that I thought I wouldn't get to make, but the baby hasn't made an appearance yet, so these were sewn in 10 minute increments since that's about how long I can sit and sew. Some burp cloths with my last bit of fancy designer fabric. I really stretched that yard and a half I bought!

A skirt I made for Eliza. She wasn't being a very cooperative model! The bottom layer is actually an amazing scarf I bought at the market, I thought it would be pretty in the skirt.

And a butterfly shirt. After I finished Eliza said it was ugly and that we should give it to her friend. She is so particular about her clothes these days.

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