Saturday, August 23, 2008

6 Things About Me

Anne is making me do this one. I assume I should say things that aren't obvious or that people already know, like: "I am a girl, I have freckles." Okay here goes... hmmm..

1. I HATE bacon, unless it is in green beans, but I still won't eat it, just the beans.
2. I am very fascinated by the subject of nutrition. Like what foods do what, what is high in certain vitamins etc.
3. I really must drink everything with a lot of ice and a straw. At home I ALWAYS have a cup of ice water with a straw sitting around somewhere. My most valued possessions is probably my water cooler. If I lived in the states I would have to have one of those fridges with a cold water dispenser. We always have a bag of ice in our freezer too.
4. I hate how chalk feels on my skin. It is really hard for me to play sidewalk chalk with Eliza outside.
5. It is really hard for me to read any fictional books. I don't know why. I stopped watching cartoons at a very young age, maybe there is a connection there. (We just saw WALL-E last week and I had to force myself to sit through it.
6. I would much rather shop at a thrift store than a mall. I try to go to thrift stores as much as possible in the states. Not even for financial reasons, I just love that everything is unique and if I buy it my friend doesn't have it in red (unlike shopping at Target or something, though they have really cool stuff). I try to cram as much thrift store items into my luggage as possible. Almost all the lamps in my house are from american thrift stores, some mirrors, and so much I can't even list it all.

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